MaiVERIC's Research Group
Get in touch and get informed. MaiVERIC believes that the path to improving public safety across our country begins with having government officials and citizens properly informed. If you are a peace officer, the a mayor of a city, a council member, or a concerned citizen looking for public safety facts and figures we invite you to get in touch. Our research team is ready to assist you.
Objectively, how safe is my city?
According to data compiled by the FBI*, approximately 2.5% of the population in the U.S. report being victims of a crime every year. If you look a bit closer, you’ll find that crime levels vary widely across the country. If you live in Washington County, New York, the probability of being the victim of a crime is 0.4% (or 1 in 273) per year. On the other hand, if you live in Forrest County, Mississippi, your chances of being the victim of a crime are more than ten times higher, 4.4% to be precise (or 1 in 23).

How effective is my police department?
Over 13,000 law enforcement agencies in the U.S. report their Clearance rates every year. The Clearance rate is the number of crimes solved divided by the total number of crimes reported within a jurisdiction. The U.S. average Clearance rate has remained constant, at around 22% for the last 20 years. This means that 4 out of every 5 crimes in our country go unsolved. Statistics do vary significantly across jurisdictions. Looking again at the two counties in our example above, we find that the Clearance rate in Washington County stands at 47%, while the Clearance rate in Forrest County is a concerning 7%.

MaiVERIC, Inc.
388 Market Street, Suite 1300
San Francisco, CA 94111
Is my city council doing anything to enhance public safety?
Good question, and as you’d expect, the answer depends on where you live. There are no statistics that rank the performance of city councils in matters of national interest. At MaiVERIC, we’ve found that the perceived tradeoffs between enhanced security and privacy rights have made it difficult for city councils to craft specific plans to improve public safety. At MaiVERIC, we also believe that such tradeoffs can be properly managed by using advanced technology responsibly.
Get in touch and get informed.
* FBI Crime and Clearance statistics as of 2019 (latest dataset available). The two counties highlighted above have a majority Republican constituency and populations and household incomes within 80% of each other, at close to 70K people and $40K per year.